You want to deliver your iOS 10 app today but get one of the following issues:
- Application Loader returns an error:
INFO-X: INFO ITMS-90111: “Beta Toolchain. This app has been built using beta toolchains. Apps built with beta toolchains are acceptable for TestFlight submission. Note that you will not be able to submit these builds for sale on the App Store.” - Uploading a binary via XCode returns in an email stating:
Dear developer,We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for “Infrastructure Toolbox”. To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Toolchain – New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, macOS, and iOS SDK. Don’t submit apps built with beta software including beta macOS builds.
Learn how to fix this after the break…
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This indicates that your development tooling has not been setup with the latest available. Make sure that you’ve installed the correct versions for Mac OS X Sierra and XCode 8:
- MacOS 10.12 (16A323)
- Check this by selecting the apple in your top left corner > About this Mac > System Report > Software in the left side menu > Look that it says “System Version: macOS 10.12 (16A323)”
- I got the invalid toolchain because had installed the GM install with build id 16A322. It seems that there already was a small update after the initial GM version that ends with 323 and building with 322 gives this issue even though you’re running a GM (!)
- XCode
- Check your Xcode version by opening it up > In the top menu select Xcode > About XCode… > It should say “Version 8.0 (8A218a)”
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You can download the latest versions on the downloads page on the apple developer portal. If you had the same problem like me and had Mac OS build 16A322 installed you can get another redeem code by (re)subscribing yourself to Apple’s beta preview website and download the 16A323 version.
NB: On 20 september 2016 the official release for Mac OS X Sierra 10.12 will be published to the Mac OS AppStore so you could also wait another day and update via the official (public) channels.