Microsoft ADAL plugin version 0.8 adds iOS 10 support #cordova

iOS 10Just a quick note for all of you Microsoft Azure Active Directory Library for Cordova (aka cordova-plugin-ms-adal) users out there:

In order for your ADAL authentication featured app to function properly in iOS 10 make sure to upgrade the cordova-plugin-ms-adal plugin to version 0.8.0. The repo’s changelog shows it added iOS 10 support in that version.

I had to find this out with trial/error so hopefully this will save you some time 🙂

UPDATE 2016-09-15: Microsoft updated the NPM repo’s version number to 0.8.0 so now you can use cordova’s plugin command to update the plugin to 0.8.0. To update the plugin first remove the old version first (optional) using:
[crayon-67b305dacbe66223461140/] Then install it and force to use the 0.8.0 version using the following command
[crayon-67b305dacbe86605174507/] Enjoy the ADAL functionality in your #cordova app on iOS 10!