R.I.P. Parse, one more reason to go #azure app service

Parse animated down arrow


Everyone that uses Parse – the Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) – for their services (or has an active account for the least) recently received an email on the fact that they’re shutting down their services on the 28th of January 2017.


Read on a good alternative and on how to cope with this after the break.

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The good news that they’ve open-sourced the Parse Service code so they can host it somewhere else (like Azure). Although not every feature – push notifications being one of them – is available it gives Parse users the chance to prolong their implementations until they’ve moved on. Check out more about this option and a database export tool on their website here.

Microsoft is one of the first companies that jumped right in to aid all passengers of this Titanic scenario into that shiny huge cloud-surfing vessel of theirs – you’ve guessed it – called Microsoft Azure.

Want to know how to get your Parse instance going on the blue cloud of Azure? And keep your services running until you’ve figured out how to convert it all into the beautiful Microsoft App Services? Go on and read this blog post called Azure Welcomes Parse Developers.

After all, the name says it all!
