Recently I pulled out an older Cordova-based project from a dusty GIT shelf and wanted to check if I needed to adjust stuff to make it run fine under iOS 10. I always like to check if the plugin dependencies are outdated and if there are newer plugin versions available (and needed) to make the project OS proof again.
That just reminded me how tedious of a job checking plugin versions was again! I have found out some nice ways to upgrade your Cordova plugins all at once. But there are times you don’t want to reinstall them all and just cherry pick which ones you want to upgrade.
How fast times change. As I discussed this issue in this Lightning Tip before.
As it appears, Dave Alden has come to the rescue by providing a kick-ass (Mac OS X) Terminal utility.
Check out the details about this cool tool after the break.
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This tool is called cordova-check-plugins and its sweet!
Cordova Check Plugins does all the repo version comparison for you and:
– shows available updates in green, outdated versions in red and plugins that are newer then the remote version in yellow
– lets you upgrade all your plugins using the “–update=auto” parameter
– lets you interactively decide for each plugin if you want to upgrade or not using the “–update=interactive”
– save all the version information to your config.xml using the “–save” parameter
– and more!
You can install it via NPM as follows:
After installation, run it with the command:
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Check out this (FREE!) tool at the GIT repo below and get your cordova/phonegap plugin management in check with this cool tool!