Finally: Apple improved their app statistics dashboard!
Apple emailed developers about their new Sales and Trends dashboard on the AppStore developer portal called iTunes Connect.
Whereas Google has had a nice statistics dashboard which even covers OS version fragmentation and / or hardware specification Apple’s dashboard has been quite sober.
See a screenshot of the improvements after the break…
I remember a time where it only provided the download for recent CSV files and a java based interface to download these files to your own server.
Before this last update, Apple provided a basic web interface that gave developers the possibility to select the period and see the amount of downloads, updates and revenue along with the corresponding trend percentage.
But hey, they finally made a nice dashboard with graphical interface that has some of the great features:
- View sales within a selected time period (app’s lifetime statistics available!)
- Group your sales data (for example, by territory)
- Filter sales by one or more values (for example, by app name and transaction type)
- See your estimated proceeds (in U.S. dollars)
I got to give it to Apple: nice work!