Sitestats plugin crashing – Jetpack making stats airborne again

To my surprise today I noticed that my Sitestats plugin was failing BIGtime. My account suddenly appeared not to be authorized to view the stats. Research (== Googling) gave me the cause and solution.

Its all good so don’t panic

Cause & effect seems to be that the peeps who created the Sitestats plugin also created Jetpack. The changes they made for this plugin to work seem to disable proper Sitestats functioning. I’d almost suspect them forcing us to migrate to another plugin for stats.

Howto fix this? You might wonder. Just follow the following steps to get this puppy going:

  • Disable the Sitestats plugin. Important: Do not remove it right away, just disable it. I don’t know if your previous stats will be save else.
  • Download and install the Jetpack plugin. It features Stats, Twitter and short URL functionality. Don’t worry you can enable the features that you like and leave the others disabled.
  • After installation just click on the Jetpack menu item in your (probably left sided) menu and click on the Activation button.
  • Authorize the Jetpack plugin to connect to your account and…
  • Voilà, you’re set to go